Lillian Lewis

Lillian Lewis
Class Year
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Elementary Education and Cross-Categorical Special Education
Lillian Lewis ’25 is a double major in elementary education and cross-categorical special education. With the help of her Carthage professors, she has gained valuable teaching experience in elementary classrooms, built professional connections in the field, and now feels prepared for her career after graduation. “The program is unique in how it prepares students for jobs in the field of education,” says Lillian. “It also helps students make connections with current and future education professionals.”
In addition to obtaining practical teaching experience through Carthage, Lillian was able to expand her global knowledge by studying abroad for J-Term. She traveled to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, where she studied evolution, met Galapagos tortoises, hiked in rainforests, went snorkeling, and more. “I will never forget what it was like to get the opportunity to learn in one of the most beautiful places in the world with lovely professors and great friends.”
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Faculty mentors
“The elementary education professors are some of the most helpful people I have been able to work with at Carthage. I would not be as passionate about my future career if it weren’t for the wonderful instruction of these individuals. They are always willing to help you with questions and concerns, either about their class or about your major.”
Favorite class
“It is difficult to select a favorite class at Carthage; there are so many good ones! If I had to pick out one class that I particularly enjoyed, it would be Multicultural Children’s and Early Adolescents’ Literature taught by Professor Marilyn Ward. This class stands out because Prof. Ward is incredibly well-versed in the subject and is always excited to get us engaged in learning. There are so many new things that I learned in this class that I am so excited to bring to my future classroom!”
Campus involvement
“I am involved in the Mental Health Awareness Club. I think it is so important for our school to have an organization like this because it helps students see that they always have a place where they belong and where they are accepted. This organization has also allowed me to get involved in the community through fundraisers that support local mental health related non-profits. My favorite event that I helped host was the fundraiser 5K. It was amazing to see students, family members, and community members come participate.”
Favorite memory
“One of the most memorable experiences I had at Carthage was the ‘junior block’ experience that all junior elementary education majors get to participate in. I loved visiting elementary and middle schools and collaborating with teachers and students to deliver lessons. Getting to spend time with the wonderful students and talented teachers was such a fun and engaging experience. It was amazing to see in real time the importance of what we were learning in class.”
Best study tip
“Get to know people in your classes and your major. When I started to get to know more people within my major, I was able to join study groups and ask those students for clarification when I was confused. It has been very helpful to get to know my peers, and it makes me happy to know people who share a strong passion for education and who are incredibly intelligent and talented.”