In order to keep campus safe, the College has adopted regulations that outline appropriate guidelines for safe, courteous, and orderly vehicle operation and parking. It is the responsibility of all drivers to know and follow these regulations. Usage fees apply.

All employees and students — full- and part-time — and vendors must register their motor vehicle with the Office of Public Safety and obtain and display a parking permit. This includes cars, trucks, motorcycles, and motorscooters. If you’re using a different vehicle from the one registered, please inform the Office of Public Safety so they may add that vehicle to your profile and contact you when needed. 

All permits remain the property of Carthage College and, when asked, must be surrendered. A parking permit becomes invalid when the registered student graduates, withdraws, or changes residency status. Permits may not be sold or transferred from student to student or employee to student, or vice versa. Faculty and staff must surrender parking permits to the Office of Human Resources when employment ends.

Apply for a parking permit

See parking permit prices for 2024-25

Permit Types

All commuting and off-campus eligible student vehicles are required to have a parking hangtag displayed on the rearview mirror facing frontwards. They will need to purchase a Commuter/Off-Campus student permit to allow parking in designated commuter/off-campus lots. They are not valid for overnight parking. “Overnight parking” is defined as starting anytime after the residence halls are closed to visitors (established visitation hours) through to 8 a.m. All full-time commuter/off-campus students, defined as enrolled for twelve credits or more in any given term, must purchase a permit.

Note: Commuter/Off-campus permits are available without charge to part-time students on a semesterly basis.

See parking permit prices for 2024-25

Resident student vehicles must have a parking hangtag displayed on the rearview mirror facing frontwards. Resident student permits allow parking in specific lots designated by the permit. Permits must be visible, or ticketing and/or towing of the vehicle will occur.

Requesting Lot Change

Resident students can request to switch parking lots if space becomes available in the requested parking lot. If the switch is approved, the students’ check-in portal will be reopened so they can purchase a permit for their chosen lot. Once the new permit is purchased, the student must return the previously issued permit to Public Safety, who will then issue the student the new permit. Charges will then be adjusted through the Office of Student Financial Services for the returned permit and newly issued permit.

See parking permit prices for 2024-25

Faculty and staff permits allow for parking in specific, restricted lots designated by the permit. Faculty and staff permits must have the parking hangtag permit correctly displayed, hanging from the vehicle’s rearview mirror. Permits must be visible from the outside of the vehicle or ticketing and/or towing of the vehicle will occur. At no time should a faculty/staff vehicle park in a designated visitor space.

Temporary permits are available for guests of students for overnight parking. Non-Carthage student guests may register their vehicle for up to three days at a time, per the College’s visitation policy. The Office of Public Safety is open 24 hours a day, year-round; you must immediately register any vehicle you park on campus. Vehicles with an expired regular or temporary permit or lacking any visible permit are subject to removal of the vehicle without prior notice. Per state law, the Kenosha Police Department may also issue a city citation for trespass parking for all non-registered vehicles parked on property under the care and control of Carthage College.

A resident student that is not a permit holder may register a temporary vehicle for up to fourteen days by requesting a temporary permit from Public Safety. Students can only receive two temporary permits in an academic year for up to 14 days. Any student vehicle on campus longer than fourteen days during any academic year must purchase and display a regular parking permit.

If you are hosting a guest here at Carthage, please fill out a visitor registration form at least three (3) business days before your guest’s visit, and they will receive a temporary paring permit.

Penalties for Parking in Handicap, Bus, and Unregistered/Unauthorized Vehicle Parking on Campus

Unauthorized parking in a space designated for individuals with proper handicap permits, a bus stop, reserved spaces, guests of the President’s Office, admissions guests, or unregistered/unauthorized parking (uninvited parking on campus without a permit) is a violation of Carthage policy, state statutes and city/county ordinances. These vehicles may be subject to ticketing and/or towing by both Carthage College and/or the Kenosha Police Department.

Individual employees seeking information related to securing handicap parking privileges will need to communicate with Human Resources, and students will need to communicate with Public Safety. Handicap parking approval must be obtained annually by all employees and students.

Parking Violation Citations and Fine Structure

Public Safety reserves the right to tow any illegally or improperly parked vehicle without notice. This structure is subject to change at any time by the College. Any unauthorized vehicles parked in a handicapped space, restricted spaces (ex: guests of the president or admissions guests) or reserved spaces, or on-campus grounds are automatically elevated in the moving violations and/or parking citations and related fine structure.

The table below highlights the parking citations and associated fines/charges and other actions taken for parking violations:

Citation # Citation Charge Towing Charge Tow Location Other Actions
1 $35      
2 $70      
3 $110     Registered owner receives notification
4 $150 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing
Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144
Registered owner receives notification
5 $200 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144 Registered owner receives notification
6 $250 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144 Registered owner receives notification
7 $250 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing
Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144
Referral to Student Conduct for failure to comply with College policy
8 $250 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144 Referral to Student Conduct for failure to comply with College policy
9 $250 Jensen’s Tow & Daily Impound Fees Jensen’s Towing Impound Lot 5410 50th St, Kenosha, WI 53144 Parking permit REVOKED*

*A parking permit being revoked means your privileges to park on campus property are removed. Any permit holder will have to surrender their permit. Failure to surrender your permit will result in a referral to Student Conduct for failure to comply. If said vehicle is identified on campus, it will be immediately towed to Jensen’s Impound Lot.

For the safety of our campus community, all unregistered and unpermitted vehicles parked in any location on campus after residential hall visitation/guest hours will be removed from campus and towed to Jensen’s towing impound lot at the owner’s expense.

Moving violations, such as failure to obey traffic signs, speeding, reckless driving, and endangering others, are subject to immediate citation and fines. The speed limit throughout the campus is 15 miles per hour.

  • 1st moving violation carries a fine of $150
  • 2nd violation carries a fine of $225
  • 3rd violation carries a fine of $300 and revocation of parking privileges

Revocation of your parking privileges, unless ruled by the committee, is for the remainder of the school year. Any reinstatement will require that the student purchase a new permit and pay in full all associated fines and fees prior to reinstatement.


Any unauthorized vehicles parked in a handicapped space, reserved/restricted spaces, or on-campus grounds are subject to immediate removal. These infractions automatically move to the towing procedures. Any student found to have forged, altered, falsified, tampered, duplicated, or manipulated a Carthage parking permit will result in the revocation of parking privileges and may face student conduct charges.

Each student is responsible for his/her vehicle while on campus regardless of who is driving. Parking fines will be assigned to the registered permit owner’s account. If your permit is lost or stolen, please report this to the Office of Public Safety.

Citation appeals must be received within 72 hours of the citation issuance. You may appeal a citation online. Your appeal must contain the citation number and date of its issue. Complete the Parking Violation Ticket Appeal Form

Carthage reserves the right to revoke the parking permit and/or refuse to issue any future parking permits to individuals who exhibit a history of repeated offenses, endanger others, or damage College property by the careless use of a motor vehicle. Revocation will occur for any student found to have forged, altered, falsified, created, or tampered with a permit. In addition to revocation, the student may also be referred to student conduct.

Carthage also reserves the right to refuse the issuance of a parking permit to any individual who does not obtain a permit in a timely fashion. A ticket/tow history indicating that a vehicle has been parked on campus multiple times for more than one week without a permit will be sufficient to initiate disciplinary action against the responsible vehicle user.

Revoked permits must be returned to Public Safety upon revocation.

Carthage College assumes no responsibility nor creates any liability for the care or protection of any vehicle, or its contents, while on campus. The College assumes no responsibility for the security of vehicles or their contents while moving or parked in the areas subject to Carthage jurisdiction. All employees and students use parking facilities at their own risk. Carthage students, faculty, and staff are expected to abide by the Motor Vehicle Registrations and Use Policies.

Parking Lot Information

See parking lot map

24-hour, daily basis; PERMIT REQUIRED

  • 35th Street Lot
  • 14th Avenue Lot
  • Tennis Center Lot
  • Apartment Lot
  • Pike River Lot

7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday-Friday; PERMIT REQUIRED

  • South Lower Lot
  • North Lots (except those spaces designated for faculty/staff)

Available in the following lots WITH PERMIT; no overnight parking

  • South Lower Lot
  • South Upper Lot
  • North Lots
  • Faculty and staff are prohibited from parking in any marked visitor spaces.

No overnight parking

  • Marked spaces in South Upper Lot
  • All of South Lower Lot (during resident hall visitation hours)
  • Posted spaces across from Lentz Hall*
    * Note: Lentz Lot spaces are restricted for use by business visitors and guests of the College. No student or faculty/staff vehicles may use any of these spaces except the 15-minute spaces.
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